Yesu wa Tongaren has come out to explain why those asking whether he will be crucified over Easter are in for disappointment According to him, he cannot be crucified because Judas, who is meant to betray him, already died in the Bible He also disclosed that the Easter in April is for the ancient believers, adding that his will come in July "Yangu huwa iko mwezi was saba, na tunacelebrate siku tatu," he said Yesu wa Tongaren has been on the minds of many as the world goes into the Easter weekend, a Christian holiday to commemorate the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. With Bungoma having a man who claims to be the modern day Jesus, Kenyans have been keen to know whether he too will face the same fate as Jesus. self-proclaimed Jesus disclosed that Easter is a holiday for the worldly christians who are not of his faith. He explained that he, therefore, does not ascribe to the holy weekend observed in April because that went away with the old biblical times.
Yangu huwa iko mwezi was saba, na tunacelebrate siku tatu," he said. (My Easter is observed in July, and my followers celebrate for three consecutive days). Judas already died The clergyman also dismissed claims that he had fled to Uganda over fears that some people were planning to crucify him. According to him, those who are planning such things are from Babylon which was condemned in the Bible. He also addressed the question on whether or not he will be willing to be nailed on the cross like biblical Jesus. "Judas does not exist in my Bible because he died shortly after betraying Jesus," he said

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